mp3 rough takes
(Turn off background audio first!)
Website background music: In-Ictu-Oculi (In the Blink of an Eye)
Written, Composed, Recorded, and Produced By Jim Caroll
Plunge (master wav. File)
Written by Dan Mervenne and Jim Caroll • Composed, Recorded, and Produced by Jim Caroll
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concept tracks
Streetwalking rap (working idea recorded)
Mothers’ Milk (working idea recorded)
The Choice (working idea recorded)
Plunge (master wav. File)
The Queer Eclipse 1,2 (working 2-3rd stage recorded)
Murder “in da” Train (working idea recorded)
Breathing Brick (track n/a)
Rev. Sybians Waltz (track n/a)
Badass Bling (track based off original version of “Early in the Morning” recorded by 22)
Dreamfuel 640 (מחווה שלי לג’ימי עמוד) (track n/a)
Chips in Hand/beat 2 in a bush 212 (track n/a)
Minion Munch